Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Penelopedia's on Facebook

The Penelopedia blog now has a Facebook page: It'll be a place where I'll share new Penelopedia posts, but it's also a less formal space for sharing photos, sightings and thoughts that don't make it into full blog posts. I'll also share photos, updates and articles from other sources that I think are beautiful, thought-provoking or newsworthy.

The focus will be, much like that of the blog, on birdwatching and other encounters with nature in Northfield, southern Minnesota and beyond, supporting an ethic of awareness, respect and stewardship.

An alternative way I sometimes describe this focus is, "Noticing the natural world around me, and trying to tread lightly on it." It's much the same thing. What we notice, we start to really see. What we see, we can't help but take some interest in. What we take an interest in, we learn more about -- and care more about. And I think that's so important. You don't miss what you've never noticed. I'm determined to notice as much as I can, while it's here and I can make a difference.

If you're on Facebook, I hope you'll "like" the new page. I look forward to expanding the conversation into that space. If you're not on Facebook, don't worry. Penelopedia will continue to be what it's been -- perhaps with the addition of occasional blog posts about something that came up on the Facebook page!

As always, thanks so much for reading and for your comments and emails, which I treasure.

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